Children’s Ministry
Children’s Worship & Sunday School
9:00 am -Preschool and Elementary children begin in traditional worship with their parents. Preschool through 2nd graders are dismissed after children’s moments for children’s church in room 205. They can be picked up there after worship.
10:30 am – Children’s Footprints Sunday School
Age 3 through Kindergarten Room 204
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade Room 103
Third Grade through 5th Grade Room 102
Children attend children’s worship at 10:30 in Room 104, then are dismissed to age specific classes as listed above.
Parents may pick up their children in their respective classrooms at 11:30am.
Community Life Bible Time – 6:00 pm – Lessons, crafts and games in rooms 101, 102 & 103 for children age 3 through 5th grade.
6:00 pm – Youth Group- Grades 6-12 meet in room 308.
Nursery Care
Circleville Community Church is pleased to offer nursery care for our littlest worshippers from 9:00 to 11:30 am. Parents may take advantage of our age-specific infant or toddler nurseries that have been equipped with age-appropriate toys, manipulatives and curriculas.
Infants birth to 18 months meet in room 203, toddlers 18 months to three years meet in room 202.
120 N Pickaway St,
Circleville, OH 43113